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Shopify Setup

Learn how to setup the Shopify Purchases promotion.

Andrej Janev avatar
Written by Andrej Janev
Updated over a month ago

Our purchases app allows you to install our widget on your order confirmation page and within user accounts, allowing users to see how many entries they've earned for their purchase.

Already have your promotion setup and need to install it? Skip to Step 8.


  • You must be using Shopify

  • Your products and variants should have unique SKUs.

Step 1.

Create a new promotion and choose Purchases > Shopify.

Step 2.

If your store is connected, you will see it at the top. If it is not, please connect it.

Once connected, decide if every product in your store will qualify for the sweepstakes (this is the default) or if only specific products will qualify. If only specific products will qualify, then click Update Products and choose Import Products and All Variants.

All of your products and variants will now be pulled in and will appear on the right side.

Step 3.

Choose the products/variants that apply for this particular promotion by selecting them. If someone purchases a product or variant that is not selected, then their order will not qualify to earn any entries into the sweepstakes.

Step 4.

  • Insert a title for your promotion.

  • Choose start and end dates.

  • Indicate how many winners.

  • Leave Raffle Tickets Enabled set to NO (raffle tickets are to be used for non profits only)

  • Input your Store URL.

Step 5.

Within the entries section, the default is 1 entry for every $1 spent, but you can change this to whatever you would like. You can change currency in the top right corner. You can also schedule bonus periods if you want to change the number of entries being awarded on specific dates. Finally, if you want to give people bonus entries for placing an order over a specific dollar amount, you can do that as well.

Please note: The non-qualifying order section would only appear if a user purchases something that did not qualify for the sweepstakes. Our widget would let them know at checkout that their order did not qualify.

Step 6.

If you want to allow people to earn bonus entries into the sweepstakes for completing actions after they make a purchase, you can add these in the social actions section. Users will complete these actions on the order status page in Shopify, or on the user account page when they login.

Step 7.

  • Upload any images you want appearing on the widget that users see after their purchase.

  • Insert your official rules.

  • Decide if you want to geo-target the promotion based on country the order originates from.

  • In the design section you can change the styles on our widget.

  • You can setup email notifications to send people how many entries they have when they make a purchase.

  • When you're all set, save the promotion by clicking the green Done button.

Step 8.

If you need help with installation, please contact us. We offer free installation to your store.

(For Old Order Status Page)

To install the promotion on your store, go to the Install tab in your dashboard. Copy the code under Step 1: Install to Checkout & Accounts.

Go to your Shopify store and navigate to:

Settings > Checkout > Order Status Page and paste in the code.

Step 9.

(For Deprecated Order Status Page)

Go to your Shopify store and navigate to:

1. Online Store > Themes > Customize > Home Page (see screenshot)

2. Click "Checkout and Customer Accounts".

3. Click "Apps" on the left section, add to thank you page and order status. Enter the promo ID located just below your giveaway in ViralSweep. It starts with "promotion-xxxxxx" just add the number.

Step 10.

If your store has user accounts and you want people to see their entries when they login to their account, continue on. Otherwise, skip to Step 11.

Go to your Shopify store and navigate to:

Online Store > Themes > Click the ... next to customize > Edit Code > Click on customers/account.liquid or sections/main-account.liquid. Paste our code at the bottom of the file and click Save.

Note: The widget on user accounts only show on Classic user accounts.

Step 11.

Go back to ViralSweep, go to the Install tab and copy the code under Step 2: Install to Theme.

Step 12.

Go to your Shopify store and navigate to:

Online Store > Themes > Click the ... next to customize > Edit Code > Click on theme.liquid

Paste our code before the closing </head> tag. Click Save.

Step 13.

You're done! Make a purchase on your store and you'll see the widget appear on your order confirmation page, and it will display the correct amount of entries you've earned for making that purchase, or if you have enabled raffle tickets, it will display your ticket numbers. If you installed our code to user accounts, you can also login to the user account you purchased with to see your entries there too.

Widget example embedded in the store checkout:

Legal Disclaimer

ViralSweep provides this feature to allow you to run purchase based sweepstakes and raffles on your store. However, most states and countries have variations in their laws and regulations regarding purchases when it comes to sweepstakes and raffles. ViralSweep assumes no responsibility for whether you are in compliance with the law. You understand that it is your responsibility to ensure that your official rules comply with the rules and regulations of your locality, including offering a free alternate method of entry where applicable.

If you are interested in having ViralSweep handle legal compliance for your promotion within the United States and Canada, please contact us.

We're here to help

If you have any further questions, please start a Chat. Just "Click" on the chat icon in the lower right corner to talk with our support team.

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