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Social Actions
Andrej Janev avatar
Written by Andrej Janev
Updated over a week ago

Social Actions allow you to incentivize your entrants with additional entries into the promotion by having them perform a variety of different actions.

The following actions are currently supported:

Refer Friends

Refer via Email**

Facebook Visit Page

Facebook Visit Post

Facebook Messenger Subscribe

Twitter Tweet

Twitter Follow

Twitter Retweet

Instagram Visit Page

Instagram Visit Post

Pinterest Pin

Pinterest Follow

Snapchat Follow

Twitch Follow

Spotify Follow

YouTube Visit Page

YouTube Watch Video

Static Coupons

Dynamic Coupons**

Custom Actions**

Visit Website

Download App

Answer Questions


Podcast Subscribe

Upload Photo**

Entry Codes**

Yotpo Reviews**

Stamped Reviews** Reviews**

Bazaarvoice Reviews***

Facebook Like

Instagram Follow

**This feature is on the Business Plan and higher.
***This feature is on the Premium Plan and higher.
Facebook Like is not supported in order to comply with the Facebook Platform Policy.
Instagram Follow is not supported as they removed the functionality to track followers in 2016.
Twitch Follow is not supported as they removed the functionality to track followers in 2021.


When building your campaign, go to:

Post-Entry: Social Actions > + Add Action.

Choose from a variety of different actions. To add multiple actions from the same network (like multiple Instagram Visit actions), simply click the action again.

Tracking Actions

The way actions are tracked and awarded will vary due to the API's of the social networks, coupled with their platform policies. On some actions, we will award entries when the user simply visits the social page. For example, we cannot track if a user has subscribed to your iTunes podcast, so the bonus entries are awarded when the user clicks to go to the podcast page. For other actions, like Twitter Tweet, you have the option to have the user authenticate and we can track that they actually Tweeted.

We're here to help

If you have any further questions, please start a Chat. Just "Click" on the chat icon in the lower right corner to talk with our support team.

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