The coupon code feature is only available on our Elite Plan.
The Coupon Codes feature allows you to give your customers a coupon code to use on Shopify checkout, and receive bonus entries for having used that code. This is a great way to track affiliates and influencers who are helping promote your campaign, or an incentive to get people to make a purchase.
Step 1) Setup codes in ViralSweep
When setting up your campaign in ViralSweep, navigate to: Manage Coupons
1) Click Add New Code
2) Input the discount code (make sure you also add this code to Shopify discounts section)
3) Input the value in terms of entries or tickets the user should receive for using this code
4) Input how many times the same customer can use the code
5) Input the start and end dates and times of when the code is valid.
6) Save the coupon code. Add additional codes if you have more to add.
Step 2) Setup codes in Shopify
In Shopify navigate to: Discounts
1) Click Create Discount
2) Choose Amount off order
3) Input your discount code and set the value to fixed amount of $0.00
4) Configure the other settings as you see fit and save the code. It should look similar to this:
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If you have any further questions, please start a Chat. Just "Click" on the chat icon in the lower right corner to talk with our support team.