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Custom Captions
Aldin Rey avatar
Written by Aldin Rey
Updated this week


This feature allows you to populate the contest caption area with any form fields a user submitted through the contest entry form.

Before launching your contest, please contact us via live chat so we can ensure you have set this feature up properly.


To enable this feature, go to:
Edit > Gallery > Custom Captions.

This field must be properly configured prior to launching your contest, otherwise content may not be shown for each entrant in the caption area.


To use this feature, you must indicate which form fields you want displayed in the caption area. To insert a form field, you will use one of the following parameters in the box:

Pre-made fields:

Custom fields:
For custom fields, you will need to add the fields to your entry form first, then visit your entry form, and using the browser inspect tool, select the field and find its ID. If you need assistance with this, please contact us.

For example, to insert the custom field below, the parameter to use would be:


I've added parameters but they are not displaying on submissions in my gallery.
Make sure that you have correctly typed in your parameters, and that those fields actually exist on your entry form.

I've changed parameters after the contest already started, and they are not showing up on submissions in the gallery.
If you start receiving submissions to your contest, then you modify the custom captions feature, only new submissions will contain your changes.

We're here to help

If you have any further questions, please start a Chat. Just "Click" on the chat icon in the lower right corner to talk with our support team.

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