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Milestones Setup
Giancarlo Massaro avatar
Written by Giancarlo Massaro
Updated over a week ago

ViralSweep's Milestones app allows you to reward your customers for referring their friends via email. When friends sign up, you reward the referrer with different prizes. Simply configure prizes and the number of referrals needed to unlock them, and users can start referring their friends to unlock each tier.


1) Create the Milestones Promotion

In your dashboard go to:

New Promotion > Milestones

Start by filling out the Title, Description, and Duration of the promotion.

2) Add prizes

Now it is time to add the prizes that we want to give away based on the number of referrals a user earns. Click Add Prize.

A new prize will be added, and you will need to configure it by adding:

1) Prize Title: The name of the prize that will be displayed for users.

2) Message title: A message that users will see when they win.

3) Message description: A description of the prize or how users can claim their prize.

4) Prize Image: Upload a prize image.

5) Button: If you want to link to a specific URL for that particular prize, you can add a button.

6) Referrals needed to unlock: Input a # to indicate how many referrals a user must earn to unlock the prize.

Hide Until Unlocked: Each section contains a checkbox that will allow you to hide any of the content, images, or buttons until a user unlocks the prize.

Finally, you can dispatch an email to the user as soon as they unlock a prize. This email can contain more information on how the user can claim their prize. Click Save Prize when you are done.

3) Configure Referral Actions

In order for users to refer their friends, you'll need to configure our referral actions.

Refer your friends: This action will display the users referral link that they can copy and share with friends. In addition, you can add additional sharing options for the user to click on, like sharing to Facebook and Twitter.

Refer via email: This action will allow users to type in the email addresses of their friends, which will dispatch an invite to that friend containing their referral link.

4) Configure the rest of your promotion

The rest of the configuration options on your campaign will not be covered in this tutorial, however, once you are done filling in the rest of the options to configure your promotion, click Done.

5) Seeing your referral winners

While your Referral campaign is running, you can always click the Winners button on the campaign to get a full overview of who has unlocked a prize.

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