This feature is only available on our Premium Plan and higher.
The A/B Testing feature allows you to tweak and optimize your promotions to improve overall performance. You can create and test multiple versions of a promotion and discover which versions bring the highest conversion rate.
So what does this mean?
Once you create a promotion, you can then create multiple versions of that promotion and change any variables you want. You can then split traffic between the variations you created, and the one that gives a higher conversion rate is the winner.
Watch the video below for an overview on how to start running A/B tests:
Test Variables
We currently allow you to change the following variables when creating an A/B Test:
Form Fields (add or remove any fields on the entry form)
Images (add or remove any images, or show no images at all)
Themes (change theme colors, button colors, and more)
CSS (use different versions of custom css)
Language (change any of the text on the app)
Formatting (change form widths, button colors, image placements)
We're here to help
If you have any further questions, please start a Chat. Just "Click" on the chat icon in the lower right corner to talk with our support team.